For the last twelve weeks, we have journeyed through some of the major headings of systematic theology. Yet the jargon of theology consists of more than just words. If you are to understand the ‘language’ of theology, there are also people whose names you should know, dates whose significance you should understand, and books whose titles you should be familiar with.
Not every believer is called to a life of full-time theological study—but all of us ought to seek to be as informed as we can be about the terms, people, dates, and titles that shape, whether we realize it or not, our view of the God we serve and worship. The purpose of this series of articles is to make that task just a little bit easier.
For the next several weeks, we will be ‘unjargoning’ some of the more significant dates in church history. At the end of this mini-series, we will have a quiz, similar to the one we had on the “ol-ogies”—and then we will start another series!