And I Quote—April 4

And I Quote—April 4

Christ loved me enough to die for me while I was yet His enemy. If God had waited for me to learn to love Him before He died, I would never have been saved. I knew that with my head, but when I met someone who behaved in such a completely Christlike way, I was amazed....
Respectable Sins | Part Five

Respectable Sins | Part Five

Quotes [T]he serious of the sin of judgmentalism is not so much that I judge my brother as that in so doing I assume the role of God.—pg 144 Envy is the painful and oftentimes resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by someone else… But we don’t just envy people...
Friday Findings—April 1

Friday Findings—April 1

Can I Ask a Dumb Question? “We ought to learn from Jesus the value of extending grace to people to say things that sound outrageous to our ears. We have to be patient and kind and forgiving. We have to be realistic. Before we expect people to say things that are wise,...