Friday Findings—May 13

Friday Findings—May 13

Prayer for Beginners “God means for your life — married or unmarried, student or employee, young or old — to run on the power of prayer… You need God in and through prayer more than you need anything else.” Come Down! “Here is the thing. When Jesus was here on earth...
Thomas Manton…. Yet Speaking

Thomas Manton…. Yet Speaking

There is no end of books, and yet we seem to need more every day. There was such a darkness brought in by the fall, as will not thoroughly be dispelled till we come to heaven; where the sun shineth without either cloud or night. For the present, all should contribute...


William Tyndale, from his exile in Germany, produces the first complete English New Testament to be translated from the original Greek. A true linguistic genius, Tyndale was determined to translate the Bible into English that even the plough-boy could understand. He...