Evidence Not Seen | Part Four

Evidence Not Seen | Part Four

  Chapter Four The men that the Japanese assigned to carry the missionaries’ luggage were a very unsavory lot—without the boldness and courage of Darlene and Ruth both they and all they posessed might have disappeared into the jungle. Yet it wasn’t...
Friday Findings—July 29

Friday Findings—July 29

Men, Abortion is Your Problem Too “Men, the women in this country need to see what true manhood looks like…. They need to see men who recognize that they have a stake in the murder of children as well. They need to see men who are willing to inconvenience themselves...
Jonathan Edwards… Yet Speaking

Jonathan Edwards… Yet Speaking

The true beauty and loveliness of all intelligent beings primarily and most essentially consist in their moral excellency or holiness. Herein consists the loveliness of angels, without which, notwithstanding all their natural perfections, they would have no more...
Un•jar•gon•ed Dates Quiz

Un•jar•gon•ed Dates Quiz

This quiz is based on the last few months of un•jar•gon•ed, during which we have covered several dates of importance from the Reformation of the early sixteenth century. Try to match the date to the correct event—only one choice will be correct. If you get a question...
Everyday Faithfulness

Everyday Faithfulness

  But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.—2 Thessalonians 3:13 The context of this verse is Paul’s admonition to the Thessalonian church to deal with a group of troublemakers who had abandoned everyday faithfulness for a path that seemed both easier and...