Don’t forget about our special church wide book of the month fellowship this Wednesday, July 6! Since it will be held during our regular service, there is no need to sign up—just come. There will, however, be a sign up sheet in the foyer for bringing cookies. We want to make sure that we have plenty for everyone so please sign up if you will be able to help with this. Because of the nature of the book and the way we are doing the fellowship I haven’t put quotes on the blog in the way that I normally do—but I have to give you my favorite, which introduces the birth of Christ.
“God had sent prophets, priests, and kings. He started out with Adam and started over with Noah. He chose Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He gave Moses the Law. He sent Israel judges. He raised up deliverers. He conquered enemies. He provided sacrifices. He lived among his people in a tent and in a temple.
God gave them every opportunity and ten thousand chances, but sill sin and the Serpent seemed to be wining.
Until… all of a sudden, they lost.”
Kevin DeYoung, The Biggest Story: How the Snake Crusher Brings Us Back to the Garden, (Crossway 2015), pg. 96 [paragraphing and ellipsis original]