Men, Abortion is Your Problem Too
“Men, the women in this country need to see what true manhood looks like…. They need to see men who recognize that they have a stake in the murder of children as well. They need to see men who are willing to inconvenience themselves by speaking on behalf of those who can’t speak for themselves… They need to see that abortion is men’s problem too.”
Why We Don’t Punish Our Kids
“Though discipline and punishment may look and feel similar in many ways, they are radically different. Punishment seeks retribution; discipline seeks restoration. Punishment looks to the law; discipline looks to grace.”
No Job’s Too Small for Jesus
“In the Lord Jesus, every single act of work you do is never wasted, because in him you are showing the world what it means to be loved, cared for, and welcomed into a family… Ordinary work matters to God because ordinary people matter to God.”