Reaping in Joy: Mundane Madness
“My greatest joy would be for my girls to remember that Mom was happy when serving them, so that one day they can be happy serving others… Choosing to find the deeper purpose in the things I do everyday is what I desire to do. So off I go, to feed my kids. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll do it with a smile.”
Spiritual Disciplines and the Sinkhole Syndrome
“[T]hose reconciled to God through the cross of His Son need conscious, personal communion with Him every day until the day they see Him face to face. And the ordinary means by which He gives it is through the personal spiritual disciplines found in Scripture, chief of which are the intake of the Word of God and prayer.”
Dealing Hope in the Darkest of Nights
“God delivered me from my pit of despair through these hope-dealers who brought me good news of the gospel. When you’re caring for people in pain, hurt, disability, depression, or loss, you have an amazing opportunity to point people to Jesus with your love, carefully chosen words, and silent presence. Your ministry of hope could be just the lift God uses to pull your discouraged and suffering friend out of the mire and onto the Rock of sure and lasting hope in Jesus.”