Things Christians Just Don’t Get To Do
“These are all things—just a few of the things—Christians don’t get to do… In every case God has freed us by his gospel to a new and better way of living—a way of love, forgiveness, generosity, encouragement, community, submission, industry, purity, and freedom.”
5 Reasons You Need Fiction
“I’ve heard pastors and longtime Christians argue against reading fiction since it’s “not true.” But great literature can be an avenue of profound blessing and an ally to teach us to anticipate the kingdom of God in all of life.”
The Blessing of Being Uncomfortable
“You and I serve a Lord, who made Himself extremely uncomfortable for the sake of the gospel… As you follow Christ, you do not need to seek discomfort just for the sake of being uncomfortable. We are not called to Christian masochism. But we are called to be willing to be uncomfortable for our Lord and for the gospel if that is what He calls us to do. This is the way the church and the gospel truly prosper in the world.”