12 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Posting Something Online
“What might be some indicators to consider before you publish a blog, Facebook status, or tweet? I want to offer 12 brief questions to ask. Think of them as indicator lights, the kind a pilot checks before take off.”
Set an Example in Your Purity
“Young Christian, God gives to you an important task: Set the believers an example in purity. He would not demand what you could not do. At least, he would not demand what you could not do when you are indwelled by the Holy Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit who is far more committed to your holiness than you are to your sin. It is his joy to make you holy. It is his delight to help you become an example of purity—and of speech, conduct, love, and faith. My friend, set the believers an example.”
John Piper on the Values of Reading Historic Christian Biography
“Hebrews 11 is a divine mandate to read Christian biography. The unmistakable implication of the chapter is that if we hear about the faith of our forefathers (and mothers), we will ‘lay aside every weight, and sin’ and ‘run with endurance the race that is set before us’ (Heb. 12:1). If we asked the author, ‘How shall we stir one another up to love and good works?’ (10:24), his answer would be: ‘Through encouragement from the living (10:25) and the dead (11:1–40).’ Christian biography is the means by which the body life of the church cuts across the centuries.”