Why Are All of Us Misfits?

Why Are All of Us Misfits?

The other day, as I was reading along in my Greek New Testament, I came across some of the most challenging verses in all of Scripture. In Matthew 7:13–14, Jesus makes it clear that the path of salvation will be found by few. Even those who find it, who enter through...
And I Quote… May 16

And I Quote… May 16

Oh, the surpassing kindness and love of God! He did not hate or reject or bear a grudge against us but he was patient and bore with us, having mercy he himself experienced our sin, he himself gave his own son, a ransom on our behalf, the Holy for the lawless, the...
Friday Findings—May 13

Friday Findings—May 13

Prayer for Beginners “God means for your life — married or unmarried, student or employee, young or old — to run on the power of prayer… You need God in and through prayer more than you need anything else.” Come Down! “Here is the thing. When Jesus was here on earth...