Friday Findings—November 25

Friday Findings—November 25

The Humbled Mother “It’s okay to be tough when we need to be. But, it’s imperative that we are humble and contrite and repentant when we need to be… Our children need to see that we need grace from God and people, and that they have the power to extend it to us. They...
C.S. Lewis… Yet Speaking

C.S. Lewis… Yet Speaking

There is something which unites magic and applied science while separating both from the “wisdom” of earlier ages. For the wise men of old the cardinal problem had been how to conform the soul to reality, and the solution had been knowledge, self-discipline, and...


A Roman Centurion was the equivalent, more or less, of a non-commissioned officer in American military today. Typically promoted from the ranks, a centurion would normally have charge of 100 men (a “century”), though the actual number could be somewhat flexible...
Keep Calm and Fight On

Keep Calm and Fight On

We would live differently if we realized that we lived in a war zone. It is socially acceptable to complain about the amount of foam in our coffee when the sun is shining and flowers are blooming. But soldiers know how to appreciate even lukewarm coffee. It is also...
And I Quote… November 21

And I Quote… November 21

In the big picture, the hallmark of the Christian life is not about how well-organized or structured (or, for that matter, how spontaneous) the church is. Rather, it is whether we have built our faith, our church, and our ministries on the foundation of the gospel. A...