Anne Steele… Yet Speaking

Anne Steele… Yet Speaking

I. Thou lovely source of true delight, Whom I unseen adore, Unveil thy beauties to my sight, That I may love thee more. II. Thy glory o’er creation shines; But in thy sacred word, I read in fairer, brighter lines, My bleeding, dying Lord. III. ’Tis here, whene’er my...


The doctrine of the Trinity is absolutely fundamental to the Christian faith. Though the term is not found in Scripture, the concept permeates every page and has been affirmed by believers in every age. The One True God has revealed Himself in the persons of the...
Tune My Heart

Tune My Heart

Just as an instrument that is played out of tune is a very unpleasant sound in the ears of others, so a heart that worships God out of tune is a very unpleasant sound in the ears of God. In Psalm 86:11 David prays, “Teach me thy way, O Lord; I will walk in thy truth:...
And I Quote… February 1

And I Quote… February 1

Christians who first said credo [I believe – the first word of most ancient Christian confessions] did not do so lightly, but at the risk of their lives under severe persecution. We listen carefully to those who are prepared to sacrifice their lives for their belief....
Friday Findings—January 29

Friday Findings—January 29

Why It Never Helps to Pass the Buck What it really means to be a leader that other leaders can respect. Prescribing Hospitality for Growth in the Christian Life While this is from the perspective of how to help others by teaching them to be hospitable, it has valuable...