Charles Spurgeon… Yet Speaking

Charles Spurgeon… Yet Speaking

Search the Scriptures. Do not merely read them—search them; look out the parallel passages; collate them; try to get the meaning of the Spirit upon any one truth by looking to all the texts which refer to it. Read the Bible consecutively: do not merely read a verse...
The•ol•o•gy Pro•per

The•ol•o•gy Pro•per

The•ol•o•gy Pro•per: Theology comes from two Greek words, theos, meaning God, and logos, meaning word. If all theology is thus “words about God,” what is Theology Proper? It is the term that theologians use to refer to the doctrine of God—who He is and what He is...
Of Cakes and Commentaries

Of Cakes and Commentaries

All of us know that mastery of the basics, in any area of life, is fundamental to success. If you want to bake an edible cake, you will never get away from the need to select the proper ingredients, measure them in the correct proportion and then add them in the right...
And I Quote… January 25

And I Quote… January 25

In our contemporary context, the ‘Lord’s will’ is frequently understood by Christians to refer to matters of personal guidance, and thus to God’s immediate plans for their future. But the divine will in the Pauline letters, particularly in Ephesians, has a different...
Friday Findings—January 22

Friday Findings—January 22

A Fragile Life Worth All Our Love A touching story about a family who chose life—even when the culture counseled death.   The Scandal of Biblical Illiteracy: Its Our Problem A convicting article by Dr. Albert Mohler on the Bible ignorance of many professing...