Much to You!

Much to You!

Korah, Dathan, Abiram, and their 250 stooges of reputation were up in arms. The text does not say exactly why, and, for the purposes of this article, it doesn’t really matter. In the course of their complaint they said to Moses and Aaron, Ye take too much upon you....
And I Quote… November 7

And I Quote… November 7

[T]he dangerous thing about pragmatism is that it does not necessarily reject the truth; it merely renders it subordinate to the desired end. To be precise, pragmatism evaluates means in terms of impact and results; and the implication of this is that even means that...
Wordsmithy | Part One

Wordsmithy | Part One

Our next “book-of-the-month” is Wordsmithy: Hot Tips for the Writing Life, written by Douglas Wilson. Despite the title and focus, this book is not for writers alone. The wisdom Wilson offers as he wittily unpacks seven “tips” for writers is of value for everyone; the...
Friday Findings—November 4

Friday Findings—November 4

Things Christians Just Don’t Get To Do “These are all things—just a few of the things—Christians don’t get to do… In every case God has freed us by his gospel to a new and better way of living—a way of love, forgiveness, generosity, encouragement, community,...