by admin | Feb 27, 2017 | And I Quote..., Blog
If the greatest commandment is to love God with our whole being, then to come to him in worship is a duty central to living out that love. Worship is not primarily a social occasion as we gather with others to worship, though we are always grateful for the other...
by admin | Feb 23, 2017 | Blog, Yet Speaking
Let us be thankful not for our own blessings alone, but also for those of others. In this way we will be able both to destroy our envy and to rivet our charity and make it more genuine, since it will not even be possible for you to go on envying those on behalf of...
by admin | Feb 20, 2017 | And I Quote..., Blog
Christian authenticity is not wearing sin on your sleeve like a badge of honor, but casting it into the light for public execution. David Bowden, (Facebook Post, February 10)
by admin | Feb 16, 2017 | Blog, Yet Speaking
I. Father of Jesus Christ, my Lord, My Saviour and my Head, I trust in thee, whose powerful word Hath raised him from the dead. II. In hope, against all human hope, Self-desperate, I believe; Thy quickening word shall raise me up, Thou shalt thy Spirit give. III....
by admin | Feb 13, 2017 | And I Quote..., Blog
The satanic powers are watching you. They’re peering into your life to see what catches your attention, what puffs up your ego. They’re evaluating what kind of Babylon you want to build for yourself, and they’ll make sure you get it. Satan is as ambitious for your...