A man may serve many masters, if they all command the same things, or things subordinate to each other; but he cannot serve two masters, if their commands clash and interfere with each other: And such are the commands of Christ and the flesh in a suffering hour.
Christ saith, “Be thou faithful to the death;” the flesh saith, Spare thyself, and secure the comforts of life. Christ saith, “He that loveth father or mother, wife, or children, lands or inheritance more than me, is not worthy of me.” Flesh saith, He that will grieve and break the heart of such dear relations, and forsake, when he might keep such earthly accommodations, is not worthy of them.
Thus the two interests come in full opposition: and now have but patience to wait a little, and you shall discern what is predominant. A dog follows two men, while they both walk one way, and you know not which of the two is his master; stay but a little till their path parts, and then you shall quickly see who is his master—so is it in this case.
John Flavel [1630–1691], The Whole Works of the Reverend John Flavel Volume Five, (W. Baynes and Son, 1820), 575–576