I Feel I Think I Believe
“[W]e as Christians must know what we believe and we must believe these things with strength and confidence. It is not wrong to feel, but it is not enough.”
Freedom of Expression in a Photoshop World: The Beauty of Understatement
“Ultimately, it is the bigness and unsurpassed beauty of Christ that frees us from exaggeration…Jesus is impressive enough, and satisfying enough, to make us content with having our fruitfulness underestimated in the ocean of overstatement around us.”
What Does it Mean to Fear God?
A helpful answer to a question that all of us need to ask.
Nothing to Celebrate
“The seriousness of a society’s funeral rites speaks volumes about the seriousness of a society, for the way we treat the dead is really a function of how we value life.”
Ten Questions to Diagnose Your Smartphone Usage
“Are our smartphones tools that facilitate our commitment to the central purposes and values of our lives, or are they — and our habitual modes of using them — constantly distracting, diverting, or obstructing us from them?”