Can I Ask a Dumb Question?
“We ought to learn from Jesus the value of extending grace to people to say things that sound outrageous to our ears. We have to be patient and kind and forgiving. We have to be realistic. Before we expect people to say things that are wise, we first need to let them say things that are dumb.”
15 Pieces of Writing Advice from C. S. Lewis
This selection of pointers is quite good!
Beware of Quicksand: How One Stranger’s Comment Changed My Marriage Forever
“[W]e are fools if we think for a second that marriage isn’t a battlefield. We are fools if we believe that the enemy doesn’t have carefully laid plans in place to destroy our families. But we don’t have to live as though we are naïve to his schemes.”
5 Methods for Fighting Half-Hearted Prayer
These brief directions are both convicting and encouraging.