Should We Miss Our Church Graveyards?
“Did we lose something important, maybe even something biblical, when we paved over our graveyards? The church graveyard might serve to remind us of something that we as contemporary evangelical Christians, with all our flash and verve, seem to forget too often these days. We are going to die.”
Complete Assurance for Incomplete People
“Hebrews 10:14 means that you can have assurance that you stand perfected and completed in the eyes of your heavenly Father, not because you are perfect now, but precisely because you are not perfect now but are “being sanctified” — “being made holy.”
Exercising an Idle Mind | Revive Our Hearts
“So how can we avoid being busybodies who churn out mental energy on all the wrong things and instead be purposeful thinkers for the kingdom? Here are three activities to prevent an idle mind.”
Followed By The God of Grace
This story is fascinating—a great encouragment to keep witnessing even when it doesn’t seem to be making a difference!