The Gospel Was Given for a Time Like This
“The gospel was not given to a world without sin, without confusion, without difficulty and persecution—that world needs no gospel. The gospel was given to a world like this one, a world marked by every kind of pain and perversity. This world needs a gospel and, praise God!, he gave us one. He gave us the gospel of his Son. No matter how bad the news around us gets, that good news gospel is better. It was given for a time like this.”
Awkward Gospel Conversations
“I’d like to encourage you to rethink the common thought that it is better not to share the Gospel than to do it awkwardly. So here are five reasons why it’s ok to share the Gospel awkwardly.”
Wickedness and The Satisfying God
“Psalm 73 shows us what happens to wicked people, and what happens when wicked people repent… We stand there with our mouth open as we do before a breathtaking sunrise—in total awe of a God who is in absolute control of every single thing.”