Ask Your Child to Forgive You
“I will never forget my father asking for my forgiveness. Few moments, if any, were as arresting, as moving, and as unforgettable as when Pop admitted to me — at age five or seven or ten — that he had overreacted, and that he was sorry.”
Why Every Christian Should Care About Theology
“Over the years, one of the most disheartening things I’ve realized is how few Christians care about the deep things of God. We tend to think that theology is only for pastors and leaders. But this isn’t true. God has graciously revealed himself through his Word, and every follower of Christ should take pains to know him well. Every Christian, therefore, is a theologian.”
Jerry Bridge’s Seven Standout Spiritual Lessons
“Recently I read [Bridge’s] memoir God Took Me by the Hand: A Story of God’s Unusual Providence and came to a section where he outlines seven big lessons he learned over the course of his sixty-plus years of being a Christian… If you want a brief overview of Bridges’ books and speaking ministry, here it is in seven brief lessons:”