And I Quote… April 3

And I Quote… April 3

The Devil doesn’t mind “family values” as long as what you ultimately value is the family. Satan doesn’t mind “social justice” as long as you see justice as most importantly social. Satan does not tremble at a “Christian worldview” as long as your ultimate goal is to...
D. M. Lloyd-Jones… Yet Speaking

D. M. Lloyd-Jones… Yet Speaking

It is very foolish to ignore the past. The man who does ignore it, and assumes that our problems are quite new, and that therefore the past has nothing at all to teach us, is a man who is not only grossly ignorant of the Scriptures, he is equally ignorant of some of...
Infinite Journey | Book Discussion

Infinite Journey | Book Discussion

After the evening service on Sunday, April 9, we will have a coffee and cookies book fellowship for An Infinite Journey, by Pastor Andy Davis. This is one of my very favorite books and I look forward to discussing it with you all!
D. M. Lloyd-Jones… Yet Speaking

Robert Haldane… Yet Speaking

All religions but that of the Bible divide the glory of recovering men to happiness between God and the sinner. All false views of the Gospel do the same. The Bible alone makes the salvation of guilty men to originate solely with God, and to terminate in His glory as...
And I Quote… April 3

And I Quote… March 13

There is no greater privilege or joy than studying the Word of God. When we realize that God loved us enough not only to send his Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins, but also cared enough for us to give us his revealed truths to challenge and guide our...