Not Every Hardship

Not Every Hardship

Difficult tasks often have easy beginnings. It is easy to learn the first few pages of a new piano piece when the melodies were familiar, the chords simple, and the accidentals few. It is easy to run the first mile of a marathon surrounded by the contagious energy of...
In Everything Give Thanks

In Everything Give Thanks

Rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing, in every thing give thanks—for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. ( Thessalonians 5:16–18) Giving thanks in every thing is relatively easy when the sun is shining and everything is more or less, “going our...
What We Are up Against

What We Are up Against

It has often been said that, “To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail.” Regardless of the source of this modern-day proverb, it communicates a truth that all of us recognize instinctively. We also understand, at least in theory, that adequate preparation must always...
The Gift that Changes Lives

The Gift that Changes Lives

The Christmas season offers many opportunities to turn the conversation towards the significance of the One Whom so many claim to be celebrating. This is a lightly edited version of a brief gospel tract I wrote some time ago entitled “The Gift that Changes Lives.” My...
Un-Ambiguous Praise

Un-Ambiguous Praise

Love is a wonderful thing—on that point almost everyone agrees. Yet this wonderful word called “love” has been assigned a bewildering variety of meanings. The Beatles famously asserted that, “all you need is love.” Countless young couples have allowed their passionate...
Towing the Tow Truck

Towing the Tow Truck

As I rode behind a tow truck that was pulling another tow truck the other day, the first thing I thought to myself was, “that awkward moment when you are a tow truck that needs a tow truck yourself.” You are on your way to help, and now you, the helper, are in need of...