by admin | Jun 23, 2016 | Blog, Yet Speaking
What is the Gospel of Christ? It is the good tidings that God has revealed concerning Christ…. All mankind was lost in Adam and became the children of wrath, and was put under the sentence of death. God, though He left His fallen angels and has reserved them in the...
by admin | Jun 16, 2016 | Blog, Yet Speaking
As so much has been said about love so far, we must show what it is like in order that it is better understood, that one may not think he has love when it is only an illusion. Love cannot hide itself because its nature is light. It must shine and show itself in active...
by admin | Jun 9, 2016 | Blog, Yet Speaking
I God moves in a mysterious way his wonders to perform; he plants his footsteps in the sea, and rides upon the storm. II Deep in unfathomable mines of never-failing skill he treasures up his bright designs, and works his sovereign will. III Ye fearful saints, fresh...
by admin | Jun 2, 2016 | Blog, Yet Speaking
What we have said is, indeed, no small proof of the destruction of death and of the fact that the cross of the Lord is the monument to His victory. But the resurrection of the body to immortality, which results henceforward from the work of Christ, the common Savior...
by admin | May 26, 2016 | Blog, Yet Speaking
Though christian fortitude appears in withstanding and counteracting enemies without us; yet it much more appears in resisting and suppressing the enemies that are within us; because they are our worst and strongest enemies, and have greatest advantage against us. The...
by admin | May 19, 2016 | Blog, Yet Speaking
A deep sense and clear sight of sin, its heinousness, and the punishment which it deserves, should make us lie low before the throne. We have sinned as Christians. Alas! that it should be so. Favoured as we have been, we have yet been ungrateful: privileged beyond...