Current Covid Updates

After months of meeting outside, we are delighted to once again be meeting in our building for both our morning and evening services! As we have over the past few months, we will also continue to make provision for those who wish to participate in the service while remaining in their vehicles. For the protection of our church family and guests, we are taking extra care to ensure that the building is rigorously cleaned between services and thoroughly ventilated during them. Current safety precautions will be posted in each meeting area and PPE will be available at each service for those who need them.
While Covid restrictions have required us to modify some of the ways we do ministry, we do not believe that this virus has placed the mission of Jesus’s church on hold. Though we may sometimes need to make creative adjustments, we are committed as a congregation to continued obedience to all that the Lord has commanded us to do. For the current status of a particular ministry, please speak with one of our pastors at any of our Sunday services.