
Life has a tendency to pass us by if we are not careful to redeem the time. Many times the calendar of a church can be so hectic that it actually takes away from your ability to have a growing walk with God and an effective ministry in your community. That is why at Westside we desire not to multiply progams to consume more precious time, but rather focus on building genuine Christian relationships that go far beyond a particular event on a calendar. The Bible illustrates this important need through the many commands to love, serve, and encourage one another as Christians. These relationships will enhance your life, by deepening your walk with God and strengthening your relationship with fellow believers. This can most effectively be accomplished through the exhortation of the preaching services, the equipping of the saints through teaching, the fellowship of other believers, and the ministry opportunities to serve others.

James 4:14 says, “What is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away.”

It is our earnest prayer that you will use the vapor of your life for the Glory of God!

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