Bug Bites

Bug Bites

I once arrived home from a camping trip covered with mosquito bites. I had tried to protect myself from getting bitten, for I react pretty severely to bug bites. My skin gets all red, swollen, itchy, and hot, and I sometimes feel feverish and fatigued. I mixed up a...
And I Quote… June 13

And I Quote… June 13

Though argument does not create conviction, the lack of it destroys belief. What seems to be proved may not be embraced; but what no one shows the ability to defend is quickly abandoned. Rational argument does not create belief, but it maintains a climate in which...
Friday Findings—June 10

Friday Findings—June 10

The Gospel Was Given for a Time Like This “The gospel was not given to a world without sin, without confusion, without difficulty and persecution—that world needs no gospel. The gospel was given to a world like this one, a world marked by every kind of pain and...
William Cowper… Yet Speaking

William Cowper… Yet Speaking

I God moves in a mysterious way his wonders to perform; he plants his footsteps in the sea, and rides upon the storm. II Deep in unfathomable mines of never-failing skill he treasures up his bright designs, and works his sovereign will. III Ye fearful saints, fresh...