Apparent Weakness

Apparent Weakness

Have you ever felt as though evil was stronger than good? Be honest with yourself. Has it ever seemed to you that the enemies that we face make believers look puny, even pathetic? Have you ever compared the accounts of God’s power in Scripture to the apparent weakness...
And I Quote…. July 18

And I Quote…. July 18

[W]hat makes Christianity absolutely distinct is the identity of our God. Which God we worship: that is the article of faith that stands before all others. The bedrock of our faith is nothing less than God himself, and every aspect of the gospel—creation, revelation,...
Evidence Not Seen | Part Two

Evidence Not Seen | Part Two

  As I did with God’s Smuggler, I will be posting reflection questions for each chapter of Evidence Not Seen. Of course, since we will be spreading the book out over a longer period of time, some of the posts will be quite short, as there will sometimes be only...
Friday Findings—July 15

Friday Findings—July 15

I’m Never Bored, and I Think It Might Be Killing Me “But I can see that something really does need to change. I want to make room for God to speak. I want to create space for creativity. And so I’ll continue to battle on. I’ll continue to try to carve out space in my...
Thomas Manton… Yet Speaking

Thomas Manton… Yet Speaking

I want to persuade you to study the Scripture, that you may get understanding and hide the Word in your hearts for gracious purposes. This is the Book of books: let it not lie idle. The world can as well be without the sun as the Bible— Psalm 19 speaks first of the...