Leaves and Roots

Leaves and Roots

I love to shop. I love pushing carts and carrying bags, no matter if I am shopping for shoes or groceries. I especially love it when my mom takes all five of my sisters and me on an all-day shopping adventure for our annual Girls’ Day celebration. We usually start at...
Evidence Not Seen | Part Five

Evidence Not Seen | Part Five

Chapter Six As Darlene writes in this chapter, it can sometimes be easier to forgive wrongs done commited against us than than injustices done to those we love. The reality is that the greatest bitterness is rarely caused by the greatest wrongs. If we allow...
Friday Findings—August 5

Friday Findings—August 5

Your Work Never Goes Unseen “After changing hundreds of diapers, cleaning up the house at the end of each day only to have to repeat it again the next, working hard at a job where no one seems to care, helping the unappreciative, or writing words no one sees, we can...
John Newton…. Yet Speaking

John Newton…. Yet Speaking

  I. What think you of Christ? is the test, To try both your state and your scheme; You cannot be right in the rest, Unless you think rightly of him. As Jesus appears in your view, As he is beloved or not; So God is disposed to you, And mercy or wrath are your...