Un•jar•gon•ed—New Series

Un•jar•gon•ed—New Series

The language of Biblical Studies can be complex. Yet though words like lexicon and exegesis, synoptic and syntax may sound foreign at first, the realities they refer to are of vital interest to anyone who is interested in the serious study of Scripture. Over the next...
Infinite Gospel

Infinite Gospel

For Christ-followers the gospel is everything. Without the incarnation, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth we are, as Paul said, of all men most miserable. Apart from the reality of the gospel message our joy is a sham, our hope is in vain,...
And I Quote… August 1

And I Quote… August 1

Once the gospel starts being presented primarily as that which brings such-and-such benefits, be they freedom from alcohol abuse or just emotional highs every once in a while, the distinctive particularity of Christianity is lost. Islam too gives people self-respect,...