The Pilgrim’s Progress | Part Four

The Pilgrim’s Progress | Part Four

  Chapter Five—A Faithful Friend As he relates the trials that Faithful met with in the valley, Bunyan reminds us that, though all true Pilgrims walk the same narrow way, we do not all meet with the same obstacles on it. The Father knows the exact trials each of...
Friday Findings—October 7

Friday Findings—October 7

3 Godly Ambitions for the Christian “Some of my favorite biblical commands are the ones that most counter our culture, and even our little Christian subculture. We find just such a series of commands near the end of 1 Thessalonians…” Has God Called You to the...
Charles Spurgeon… Yet Speaking

Charles Spurgeon… Yet Speaking

*The dove found no rest for the sole of her foot.—Genesis 8:9* Reader, can you find rest apart from the ark, Christ Jesus? Then be assured that your religion is vain. Are you satisfied with anything short of a conscious knowledge of your union and interest in Christ?...


comes from two Greek words, the one a preposition meaning “together” and the other a noun meaning “sight.” In Biblical studies it is used to refer to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke that so often “see together” the way that they tell the story of Jesus, even...
Simpler than You Think

Simpler than You Think

In celebration of my recent birthday, my wife and I went down to Portland for the day. We ate out, went to a bookstore, and generally had a wonderful time. As we neared our housing development on our return, we noticed a Jeep by the side of the road that seemed to...