Thomas Manton…. Yet Speaking

Thomas Manton…. Yet Speaking

There is no end of books, and yet we seem to need more every day. There was such a darkness brought in by the fall, as will not thoroughly be dispelled till we come to heaven; where the sun shineth without either cloud or night. For the present, all should contribute...


William Tyndale, from his exile in Germany, produces the first complete English New Testament to be translated from the original Greek. A true linguistic genius, Tyndale was determined to translate the Bible into English that even the plough-boy could understand. He...
Childlike Wonder

Childlike Wonder

I have lived in the Pacific Northwest since I was four years old. I have seen mountains. I have seen lakes. I have seen waterfalls. I have seen meadows, beaches, and trees. I have visited Mount Rainier, the Columbia River, and Hurricane Ridge at least a dozen times...
And I Quote—May 9

And I Quote—May 9

Christianity is not just an experience, we need to remember, but it is about truth. The experience of being reconciled to the Father throughout the Son, by the work of the Holy Spirit all happens within a worldview. This worldview is the way God has taught us in his...
The Church: The Gospel Made Visible | Part Two

The Church: The Gospel Made Visible | Part Two

Preface: The Need for Studying the Doctrine of the Church “For too many Christians today, the doctrine of the church is like a decoration on the front of a building. Maybe it’s pretty, maybe it’s not, but finally it’s unimportant because it bears no weight. Yet...