New Series Coming Up!

New Series Coming Up!

For the last twelve weeks, we have journeyed through some of the major headings of systematic theology. Yet the jargon of theology consists of more than just words. If you are to understand the ‘language’ of theology, there are also people whose names you should know,...
The Eyes of the Lord

The Eyes of the Lord

Proverbs 15:3 The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. These words should penetrate your entire life. If you are an arrogant rebel attempting to conceal your sin from God, these words should humble you. If you are a believer, these...
And I Quote… April 25

And I Quote… April 25

He that turns not from every sin, turns not aright from any one sin. Every sin strikes at the honour of God, the being of God, the glory of God, the heart of Christ, the joy of the Spirit, and the peace of a man’s conscience; and therefore a soul truly penitent...
God’s Smuggler | Part Four

God’s Smuggler | Part Four

God’s Smuggler is a fascinating story—but is also a challenging one. These are some of the challenges that struck me as I read this week’s chapters. I wish I had a better answer to some of them! Chapter Thirteen: To the Rim of the Inner Circle With all his plans in...