Friday Findings—April 22

Friday Findings—April 22

When Her House Was Scheduled for Demolition This story of joy in the midst of difficulty is both convicting and encouraging. Isolation from the Church Is Dangerous “We must learn to see the church as a blessing from God rather than an inconvenience. We must never look...
William Still… Yet Speaking

William Still… Yet Speaking

People who are too easily intimidated by the wickedness of any one generation and who panic over things which go wrong, are living so near their own day that they have lost the message of the ages which is full of such seeming disasters. It is they who run with their...
The “Ol•o•gy” Quiz!

The “Ol•o•gy” Quiz!

This quiz is based on the last few months of un•jar•gon•ed. If you get a question wrong, take the time to go back and read the article linked to each quiz question. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop me a line at
One Coin

One Coin

Proverbs 26:4–5 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit. How ought those who seek to be wise respond to those who persist in foolishness? In these two verses we...
And I Quote… April 18

And I Quote… April 18

The kingdom of God turns the Darwinist narrative of the survival of the fittest upside down. When the church honors and cares for the vulnerable among us, we are not showing charity. We are simply recognizing the way the world really works, at least in the long run....