Charles Spurgeon… Yet Speaking

Charles Spurgeon… Yet Speaking

It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master—Matthew 10:25 No one will dispute this statement, for it would be unseemly for the servant to be exalted above his Master. When our Lord was on earth, what was the treatment he received? Were his claims...
Cae•sa•re•a  Mar•i•tim•a

Cae•sa•re•a Mar•i•tim•a

Caesarea Maritima was located on the Mediterranean coast about 65 miles northwest of Jerusalem. It became the residence of the Roman governors of Judea, including Pontius Pilate, who would only come to Jerusalem for large feasts such as the Passover and other...
Towing the Tow Truck

Towing the Tow Truck

As I rode behind a tow truck that was pulling another tow truck the other day, the first thing I thought to myself was, “that awkward moment when you are a tow truck that needs a tow truck yourself.” You are on your way to help, and now you, the helper, are in need of...
And I Quote… November 28

And I Quote… November 28

Just as language itself creates culture in its own image, each new medium of communication re-creates or modifies culture in its image; and it is extreme naïveté to believe that a medium of communication or indeed, any technology is merely a tool, a way of doing. Each...
Wordsmithy | Part Four

Wordsmithy | Part Four

Chapter Three—Word Fussers and Who-whomers In which Wilson offers the other side of the coin so forcefully tossed in chapter one—namely that having something to say by no means guarantees that you will have the ability to say it. Chapter Four—Born for the Clerihew In...