

Hamartiology, coming from the Greek words hamartia (meaning sin) and logos, (meaning word) is the study of sin, and of mankind in its sinful state. God created mankind good and placed them in a perfect environment. Adam and Eve willfully chose to rebel, bringing the...
Puzzling the Pieces

Puzzling the Pieces

All writing is selective. No matter how many pages of prose an editing allergic academic manages to cram into an oversized tome, there will always remain aspects of the story that have been left out. If a book is well written, the inclusion or exclusion of a...
Upcoming Book of the Month!

Upcoming Book of the Month!

This Saturday will begin a four-part review of Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges. It will be available in hardback at the church this Sunday and is also available in the Kindle and Nook stores. More details on this convicting book will be coming soon!
And I Quote—February 29

And I Quote—February 29

Worry is a form of pride because when believers are filled with anxiety, they are convinced that they must solve all the problems in their lives in their own strength. The only god they trust in is themselves. When believers throw their worries upon God, they express...
Tempted and Tried—Part Four

Tempted and Tried—Part Four

This article concludes the essay posted last week. Yet after a seemingly endless string of triumphs, Satan met defeat in the wilderness near the Jordan River. The temptations that Jesus faced then are, at the core, the same temptations that we face today. You may...