

Over the next several weeks, we will be covering the major “ologies” used to refer to the various topics of theological study. Not all of these terms are of equal significance in the grand scope of things but all of them are worth knowing. Christology is the doctrine...
Pinterest Boards and Ayah Lists

Pinterest Boards and Ayah Lists

Why bother to interpret the Bible? If the Holy Spirit is really the One that guides us into truth, what is the point of a formal process of interpretation? Doesn’t it just get in the way? Why worry about the “original inspired meaning of a passage”? Why not just read...
And I Quote… February 8

And I Quote… February 8

No sooner do I consider the One than I am enlightened by the radiance of the Three; no sooner do I distinguish them than I am carried back to the One. When I bring any One of the Three before my mind I think of him as a Whole, and my vision is filled, and the most of...
Tempted and Tried—Part One

Tempted and Tried—Part One

This is the first post in our new book of the month feature. Each week this month will feature a particular aspect of our review. In the future we will both announce and make our review books available ahead of time, but for now you can find this book at WTS Books or...
Friday Findings—February 5

Friday Findings—February 5

The Ground of All Human Assurance Before God This clip and transcription are so powerful! It is only by the blood of the Lamb that we can overcome the accuser. Hallelujah! When the Detour Becomes Your New Road Even when the road that God has us on isn’t the one we...