Vision Sunday—January 24

Vision Sunday—January 24

Sunday, January 24 will be our annual Vision Sunday. Pastor Houston will be laying out his vision for the ministry of Westside Baptist Church, both for the coming year and for the years to come.
Yet Speaking—January 21

Yet Speaking—January 21

What a comfort is this to Christians, that they have the presence of Christ so far forth as shall make them happy, and as the earth will afford. Nothing but heaven, or rather Christ in heaven itself, will content the child of God. In the mean time, his presence in the...
Un•jar•gon•ed—January 20

Un•jar•gon•ed—January 20

Jar•gon, words and terms that are either only used by a particular profession or group—or that have a unique meaning when used by that group, can be intimidating. While it is often essential for accuracy and precision, it can often degenerate into a form of lexical...
Ends and Means

Ends and Means

Our culture is addicted to success. From parenting to painting to online image managing, we are constantly bombarded with a thousand and one means by which we are promised a success that has to this point eluded us. Churches and other religious organizations are often...
And I Quote… January 18

And I Quote… January 18

The gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God for salvation. It is not just the core, or part of what is needed, but the whole. For it to have great effect upon men, it only needs to be proclaimed. It does not require a revision to make it relevant, an adaptation to...