by admin | Apr 24, 2017 | Blog, Church News
Our church created this special video to honor Pastor Craig Houston who has faithfully served this congregation for over fifteen years....
by admin | Apr 24, 2017 | And I Quote..., Blog
According to Mark Federman, the message of a new technology, the ideology carried within it, is “the change in inter-personal dynamics that the innovation brings with it.” So the “message” of a particular television show is not the show itself, with all its dramatic...
by admin | Apr 22, 2017 | Blog, Book of the Month
Our book of the month for April is Servanthood as Worship: The Privilege of Life in the Local Church. As the book is quite brief, we will not have a formal reading schedule. We will have a coffee and cookies fellowship for those who have read the book after the...
by admin | Apr 20, 2017 | Blog, Yet Speaking
He [God] was desirous to hear him groaning, and see him bleeding, that we might not groan under his frowns, and bleed under his wrath; he spared not him, that he might spare us; refused not to strike him, that he might be well pleased with us; drenched his sword in...
by admin | Apr 3, 2017 | And I Quote..., Blog
The Devil doesn’t mind “family values” as long as what you ultimately value is the family. Satan doesn’t mind “social justice” as long as you see justice as most importantly social. Satan does not tremble at a “Christian worldview” as long as your ultimate goal is to...