And I Quote… February 6

And I Quote… February 6

In the Scriptures, to believe is not limited to an intellectual understanding of certain facts or even to the acceptance of them. Instead, it is to trust in and rely upon the object of our faith to the degree that we base our actions upon it. Our faith or belief in...
An Infinite Journey | Part Four

An Infinite Journey | Part Four

Chapter Five: Experiential Knowledge As Davis argued in Chapter Four, factual knowledge of what Scripture says is absolutely foundational to progress in the Christian life. Yet without experiential knowledge, the knowledge that comes from living in God’s world,...
Elisabeth Elliot… Yet Speaking

Elisabeth Elliot… Yet Speaking

I realized that the deepest spiritual lessons are not learned by His letting us have our way in the end, but by His making us wait, bearing with us in love and patience until we are able to honestly to pray what He taught His disciples to pray: Thy will be done....
An Infinite Journey | Part Four

Infinite Journey | Part Three

Chapter Three: Graphing Christian Progress Even though no graph can fully represent our progress in the Christian life, charting the course of our Christian life can still be very helpful. Which of the graphs in this chapter would best fit your life? Chapter Four:...
And I Quote… February 6

And I Quote… January 30

The heart is a desire factory. The human heart produces desires as fire produces heat. As surely as sparks fly upward, the heart pumps out desire after desire for a happier future. The condition of the heart is appraised by the kinds of desires that hold sway. Or, to...