Bug Bites

Bug Bites

I once arrived home from a camping trip covered with mosquito bites. I had tried to protect myself from getting bitten, for I react pretty severely to bug bites. My skin gets all red, swollen, itchy, and hot, and I sometimes feel feverish and fatigued. I mixed up a...

A Promise Unfulfilled

There are few people who don’t love to read or watch a good mystery story. There is an allure to that which is mysterious, a thrill in the search of the valiant detective for the truth that draws us to (vicariously) join in the quest. Conspiracy theories take this...


Filters are useful and helpful things that typically demand little attention until there is a problem with them. When we ignore and neglect them, they impede the day-to-day operation of many items we use on a regular basis, such as a furnace, air conditioner, or...
Unfortunate Conclusions

Unfortunate Conclusions

I once knew a man who firmly believed the following syllogism [step by step logical formula]: The Bible says the thoughts of the righteous are right: (Proverbs 12:5) I have been made righteous in Christ, and so I am therefore righteous. Therefore, all of my thoughts...
Why Are All of Us Misfits?

Why Are All of Us Misfits?

The other day, as I was reading along in my Greek New Testament, I came across some of the most challenging verses in all of Scripture. In Matthew 7:13–14, Jesus makes it clear that the path of salvation will be found by few. Even those who find it, who enter through...
Childlike Wonder

Childlike Wonder

I have lived in the Pacific Northwest since I was four years old. I have seen mountains. I have seen lakes. I have seen waterfalls. I have seen meadows, beaches, and trees. I have visited Mount Rainier, the Columbia River, and Hurricane Ridge at least a dozen times...