Friday Findings—June 17

Friday Findings—June 17

What Is Self-Discipline? “If we are to exercise self-control, we must relinquish the control of our lives to Jesus Christ. Here is a paradox of the Christian life: We must give up the control of self if we would gain self-control. May God enable us to exercise...
Peter Riedemann… Yet Speaking

Peter Riedemann… Yet Speaking

As so much has been said about love so far, we must show what it is like in order that it is better understood, that one may not think he has love when it is only an illusion. Love cannot hide itself because its nature is light. It must shine and show itself in active...


Still only 27 years old, John Calvin publishes the first edition of the Institutes of the Christian Religion. This first edition was quite compact. Over the next 23 years Calvin would repeatedly enlarge and restructure this work, culminating in the massive edition of...
Bug Bites

Bug Bites

I once arrived home from a camping trip covered with mosquito bites. I had tried to protect myself from getting bitten, for I react pretty severely to bug bites. My skin gets all red, swollen, itchy, and hot, and I sometimes feel feverish and fatigued. I mixed up a...
And I Quote… June 13

And I Quote… June 13

Though argument does not create conviction, the lack of it destroys belief. What seems to be proved may not be embraced; but what no one shows the ability to defend is quickly abandoned. Rational argument does not create belief, but it maintains a climate in which...