Upcoming Book of the Month!

Upcoming Book of the Month!

God’s Smuggler, the thrilling story of Brother Andrew’s work behind the Iron Curtain will be our next book of the month. It will be available at the church this Sunday. More details coming soon!
Book of the Month Fellowship Reminder

Book of the Month Fellowship Reminder

This Sunday, April 3, we will have a coffee and cookies book discussion in the equipping center after the evening service—but only for those who have finished the book of the month, Respectable Sins, by that time! Please let us know if you are planning on...
Book of the Month Fellowship Reminder

Respectable Sins | Part Four

Quotes Selfishness is a difficult sin to expose because it is so easy to see in someone else but so difficult to recognize in ourselves. In addition, there are degrees of selfishness as well as degrees of subtlety in expressing it. One person’s selfishness may be...
Book of the Month Fellowship Reminder

Respectable Sins | Part Three

Quotes When I talk about specific areas of acceptable sins, one comment I often hear is that pride is the root cause of all of them. While I agree that pride does play a major role in the development and expression of our subtle sins, I believe there is another sin...
Book of the Month Fellowship Reminder

Respectable Sins | Part Two

Quotes [S]ad to say, the concept of sin among many conservative Christians has been redefined to cover only the obviously gross sins of our society. The result, then, is that for many morally upright believers, the awareness of personal sin has effectively disappeared...
Book of the Month Fellowship Reminder

Respectable Sins | Part One

Introduction The “Book of the Month” for March will be Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges. One of Pastor Houston’s favorite books, it is a convicting treatment of the sins that we are all too often willing to tolerate. Many times we as Christians can be so concerned...