Tempted and Tried—Part Four

Tempted and Tried—Part Four

This article concludes the essay posted last week. Yet after a seemingly endless string of triumphs, Satan met defeat in the wilderness near the Jordan River. The temptations that Jesus faced then are, at the core, the same temptations that we face today. You may...
Tempted and Tried—Part Four

Tempted and Tried—Part Three

All too often, when struggling against temptation, we fail to hear the hiss of the serpent behind it. We think that our individual struggles begin and end with us alone. We do not see where or how our lust or gluttony or gossip or rage fits into the big picture of the...
Tempted and Tried—Part Four

Tempted and Tried—Part Two

Our first “book of the month” post gave some background info, this one gives some teaser quotes, and our detailed review will begin next week. Enjoy! Quotes Temptation is so strong in our lives precisely because it’s not about us. Temptation is an assault by the...
Tempted and Tried—Part Four

Tempted and Tried—Part One

This is the first post in our new book of the month feature. Each week this month will feature a particular aspect of our review. In the future we will both announce and make our review books available ahead of time, but for now you can find this book at WTS Books or...