Wordsmithy | Part Five

Wordsmithy | Part Five

Chapter Five—The Memoirs of Old Walnut Heart In which Wilson emphasizes that writing what needs improvement is always the first step to improving your writing. Chapter Six—Ancient Roman Toddlers In which Wilson points out that the study of dead languages is by no...
Wordsmithy | Part Five

Wordsmithy | Part Four

Chapter Three—Word Fussers and Who-whomers In which Wilson offers the other side of the coin so forcefully tossed in chapter one—namely that having something to say by no means guarantees that you will have the ability to say it. Chapter Four—Born for the Clerihew In...
Wordsmithy | Part Five

Wordsmithy | Part Three

Chapter One—Know Something About the World In which Wilson points that if your desire to write is the only thing you have to write about, your writing will be as lame as you are. Chapter Two—Read Until Your Brain Creaks In which Wilson offers his permission, free of...
Wordsmithy | Part Five

Wordsmithy | Part Two

As I said last week, Wordsmithy is one of my favorite books. While I hope that many of you have already started reading it, it is not too late to jump in now! Our coffee-and-cookies book discussion will be held after the evening service on Sunday, December 11 and I...
Wordsmithy | Part Five

Wordsmithy | Part One

Our next “book-of-the-month” is Wordsmithy: Hot Tips for the Writing Life, written by Douglas Wilson. Despite the title and focus, this book is not for writers alone. The wisdom Wilson offers as he wittily unpacks seven “tips” for writers is of value for everyone; the...
The Pilgrim’s Progress | Part Seven

The Pilgrim’s Progress | Part Seven

  Chapter Thirteen—Flattering Enemies and Renewed Trust Though Christian and Hopeful both had moments of weakness, they were not always weak in the same way. Without Hopeful, Christian would have met his end in Doubting Castle; without Christian, Hopeful would...