The Church: The Gospel Made Visible | Part Six

The Church: The Gospel Made Visible | Part Six

Chapter Thirteen: A Gathered Church: Putting Together the Membership of the Church “The physical gathering of the church presents a theological reality. The refractions of God’s image in thousands of cultures and races and millions upon millions of individuals is...
The Church: The Gospel Made Visible | Part Six

The Church: The Gospel Made Visible | Part Five

Chapter Eleven: The History of the Organization of the Church “Through all the changes of the centuries, Christians can be confident that the survival of the church is not ultimately based on human faithfulness…. In everything from the church’s obedience to its life...
The Church: The Gospel Made Visible | Part Six

Book of the Month Fellowship Postponed

The book that we picked for this month was certainly a challenge! So that as many as possible will be able to participate in our coffee and cookies book discussion and fellowship, we have postponed it until Sunday Night, June 12. A sign-up sheet will be in the...
The Church: The Gospel Made Visible | Part Six

The Church: The Gospel Made Visible | Part One

Introduction The “Book of the Month” for May will be The Church: The Gospel Made Visible by Mark Dever. While a book of theology, even a brief one like this, may seem challenging, it is a challenge worth taking. What you believe about the church makes a very real and...