Thomas Manton…. Yet Speaking

Thomas Manton…. Yet Speaking

There is no end of books, and yet we seem to need more every day. There was such a darkness brought in by the fall, as will not thoroughly be dispelled till we come to heaven; where the sun shineth without either cloud or night. For the present, all should contribute...
William Bates…. Yet Speaking

William Bates…. Yet Speaking

And what is man? A little breathing dust. God is infinitely above us, and so strangely condescends, in having a tender care of us, that the psalmist was swallowed up in ecstasy and amazement at the thought of it: “What is mankind that You are mindful of them, human...
Basil Manly, Jr…. Yet Speaking

Basil Manly, Jr…. Yet Speaking

Lord, I Deserve Thy Deepest Wrath I. Lord, I deserve thy deepest wrath, Ungrateful, faithless I have been; No terrors have my soul deterred, Nor goodness wooed me from my sin. II. My heart is vile, my mind depraved, My flesh rebels against Thy will; I am polluted in...
William Still… Yet Speaking

William Still… Yet Speaking

People who are too easily intimidated by the wickedness of any one generation and who panic over things which go wrong, are living so near their own day that they have lost the message of the ages which is full of such seeming disasters. It is they who run with their...
Jonathan Edwards… Yet Speaking

Jonathan Edwards… Yet Speaking

[I]f persons have the will of God concerning their actions, suggested to them by some text of Scripture suddenly brought to their minds—which text, as the words lay in the Bible before they came to their minds, related to the action and behaviour of some other...
Anne Steele… Yet Speaking

Anne Steele… Yet Speaking

The Excellency of the Holy Scriptures I. Father of mercies, in thy word What endless glory shines; For ever be thy name ador’d For these celestial lines. II. Here, mines of heav’nly wealth disclose Their bright, unbounded store : The glitt’ring gem no longer glows,...