Twenty Thousand Tomorrows

Twenty Thousand Tomorrows

Chicago came into view as my plane touched down and began to taxi across the O’Hare tarmac, the plane finding its niche among the grid of city lights that shone brightly against the night sky. I stared blankly at the safety card in the seat pocket in front of me, not...
Evidence Not Seen | Book Discussion

Evidence Not Seen | Book Discussion

We will hold a coffee and cookies book discussion for our previous book of the month, Evidence Not Seen, after the evening service on Sunday, September 18. The reading for our next book of the month, Pilgrim’s Progress, will begin the day following and continue...
Friday Findings—September 9

Friday Findings—September 9

Reaping in Joy: Mundane Madness “My greatest joy would be for my girls to remember that Mom was happy when serving them, so that one day they can be happy serving others… Choosing to find the deeper purpose in the things I do everyday is what I desire to do. So off I...
John Flavel… Yet Speaking

John Flavel… Yet Speaking

When Providence frowns upon you and blasts your outward comforts, then look to your heart; keep it with all diligence from repining against God or fainting under His hand. For troubles, though sanctified, are troubles still. Jonah was a good man, and yet how fretful...