Thomas Watson… Yet Speaking

Thomas Watson… Yet Speaking

There is no better sign of true repentance than a holy antipathy against sin. Sound repentance begins in love to God— and ends in the hatred of sin. How may true hatred of sin be known? When a man’s heart is set against sin. Not only does the tongue protest against...

Biblical Studies Quiz

This quiz is based on the last several weeks of Un•jar•gon•ed. If you get a question wrong, take the time to go back and read the article linked to each quiz question. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop me a line at...
Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord!

Hard as it may be for those who know me now to believe, as a child I used to sing specials with my family, both at our own church and around the country when we traveled. From the very beginning it was drilled into me that, when someone complimented me, I was to say,...
And I Quote… October 31

And I Quote… October 31

If there is one fact, or doctrine, or promise in the Bible, which has produced no practical effect upon your temper or conduct, be assured that you do not truly believe it. Edward Payson, Memoir Volume One, (J. & J.L. Gihon, 1851), 469
The Pilgrim’s Progress | Part Seven

The Pilgrim’s Progress | Part Seven

  Chapter Thirteen—Flattering Enemies and Renewed Trust Though Christian and Hopeful both had moments of weakness, they were not always weak in the same way. Without Hopeful, Christian would have met his end in Doubting Castle; without Christian, Hopeful would...