God’s Smuggler | Part Three

God’s Smuggler | Part Three

God’s Smuggler is certainly an exciting read—but sometimes the questions it raises of our own hearts are rather uncomfortable. Chapter Seven: Behind the Iron Curtain Our swiftly changing culture can often make the cause of the gospel seem hopeless, tempting us to fury...
Friday Findings—April 15

Friday Findings—April 15

I Wish I Was Rich “Generosity isn’t about how much you have, but what you do with the bit you do have.” Why Hospitality Beats Entertaining “[H]ere is my advice to myself: Forego the empty pleasure of entertaining. Serve instead the high-heaped feast...
Jonathan Edwards… Yet Speaking

Jonathan Edwards… Yet Speaking

[I]f persons have the will of God concerning their actions, suggested to them by some text of Scripture suddenly brought to their minds—which text, as the words lay in the Bible before they came to their minds, related to the action and behaviour of some other...


In our journey through the “ologies,” we have covered quite a bit of ground. Theology Proper Trinity Christology Pneumatology Anthropology Hamartiology Soteriology Angelology Eschatology Bibliology Ecclesiology These are many more terms used in theology—but these are...
The Story We All Need to Hear

The Story We All Need to Hear

This is a lightly edited version of a letter I recently wrote to an inmate struggling with drug addiction and its consequences. I have removed his name and any details that could identify him—but the story of the gospel that he needs to hear is not one that we can...